Cultural Heritage Collaborators

Cultural Heritage Collaborators: A Manual for Community Documentation is a practical guide for building strong collections that preserve community history and promote cultural identity. The book addresses topics similar to those that I like to address in the ArchivesInfo blog and on Twitter. It focuses on the value and means of thoughtfully documenting society so that we better understand where we have been, how we got here, and where we are heading as a civilization.

This book is an extension of my consulting work. I encourage cultural heritage organizations to work collaboratively with local governments, businesses, and individuals who keep records in order to identify archives and plan for their care. I encourage cross-professional collaboration among museums, libraries, and archives through community partnerships that include public outreach. Everyone possesses unique cultural resources and stories that shed light on the ways we live and grow as a society. Together we can ensure that our memories are gathered and saved to benefit humanity's future.

For more information about documenting communities see Cultural Heritage Collaboration on the ArchivesInfo web pages.